Friday, November 11, 2022 - 2:18 PM

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Peel Thunder Football Club AGM will be held at Lane Group Stadium, Dower Street Mandurah, at 6pm on Wednesday 18th January 2023 to transact the business as outlined in the Club’s Constitution.

Election of Office Bearers:  Directors

4 required – 2 year term

Nominations for the above positions must be made on the prescribed form and signed by a proposer and seconder who must be current financial members of the Club. Nominees must have been a financial member of the Club for at least one complete year immediately preceding the date of closing of nominations.  Nomination forms are available from the Chief Executive Officer. Nominations close on Wednesday 28th November 2022 at 5pm.

The following retire in accordance with the Club’s Constitution and are eligible for re-election:   

  • C. Fairman
  • M. Thornhill
  • C. Purslowe
  • P. Morrissey

Upon reflection, 2022 has thrown up another bout of challenges that we have had to navigate, but we look toward 2023 with optimism that as a Club we will make some significant strides forward to develop long-term, sustained success.

Thank you for your continued support of the Club and willingness to actively engage in everything the Club is working towards.

Kind regards,

Paul Lekias

Chief Executive Officer

Peel Thunder Football Club

