Tom Sutherland promoted to High Performance Manager

We’re pleased to share, Tom Sutherland has been promoted from his Seniors Head S&C role, to a new role within our football department. Starting immediately, Tom will hold the title of High Performance Manager and is now working across all male and female programs.
A highly respected person from within and outside the Club, we’re grateful to have Tom in this role and believe this new addition to the football department will allow the Club to create the benchmark high performance team across the WAFLW and WAFL competition.
Tom shared his enthusiasm stepping into the role and his focus ahead. “We want to lead the industry in our high-performance standards and want to see our players reach their best potential. We have an incredible group of players and staff, and I’m really excited to continue working with them in this role to further build on our delivery of performance to the club.
I’m really excited to expand my role at the club across all of our programs as I think there’s huge potential for growth. Our new high-performance structure will allow me to provide additional support to our players and support staff, giving us the opportunity to continue driving high standards on and off the field.”
Tom will be available for all players to utilise his expertise and knowledge, with each program still equipped with a quality S&C, Medical and Trainer staff that Tom will work closely alongside.
This role will work side-by-side with the GM Football Operations, Talent Manager and Women’s Coordinator roles and allows the High Performance Manager to manage all S&C staff, Physiotherapists and Trainers in our male and female programs. The aim of the role is to create the WAFL / WAFLW benchmark in high performance programs, while still utilising the quality staff we already have working within the Club.
Tom will be employed on a part-time basis, generally being available for most Futures, Colts, WAFLW, Rogers and Senior sessions and being the sounding board and manager for our high performance staff. Tom will still hold his title as Senior Head S&C, with the assistant S&C staff within the program to take on an increased ownership of the program.
Tom has extensive experience in the High Performance sporting area, being the Seniors Head S&C into his fourth year now, has completed his Sport Science degree and now currently completing his PHD at the University of Western Australia.
A highly respected person from within and outside the Club, we’re grateful to have Tom in this role and believe this new addition to the football program will allow the Club to create the benchmark high performance team across the WAFLW and WAFL competition.
Congratulations, Tom!